Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Birds and the Bees

Driving home from Martindale, Luke asks me how come people can have babies even if they are not married.
Me - Do you remember how babies are made?
L - Yes.
Me - Well, you don't have to be married to do that, although we think it is good to be married before you start a family.
Luke - But some people do that before they get married? They probably just lose control.
Me - No. You always have a choice in life.
Luke - How do they do it again?
Me - The daddy puts his penis in the mommy's vagina and his sperm meets with her egg to make a baby.
Luke - WHAT!? No! Are you serious?!
Me - Yes, remember that's what sex is. We've talked about this before.
Luke - No way. You are kidding.
Me - Nope.

Luke is quiet for a minute. It is important to note that during this entire conversation Sierra is turning beet red, screaming and threatening to jump out of the car.

Luke - Mom?
Me - Yes?
Luke - I can't WAIT to do that!!
Sierra - AAAAHHHHGGGGG!!!!!!!
Me - Well, when you get married, you can do it all you want.

A few more minutes of pondering...

Luke - Mom?
Me - Yes?
Luke - I think a really good place to do that would be the shower. Or maybe the bathtub.


Carla Keahey said...

omg, that is sooo hilarious!!! I'm so glad you wrote that one down. That's one to remember. :)

Hanna Day-Woodruff said...

I believe that I shriek-laughed just as loudly as you wanted to in that very moment.

misha said...

I mean...I almost have no words for this. It's like he said what every man is thinking. Like he tapped into some primal, intuitive man-ness. Your responses to him were great. Can't wait for this conversation with Kazimir! (gasp!)