Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some days I feel like I must be doing something right

This morning Autry came rushing in from playing in the front yard with some of the neighbors. "Mommy, can you help me get 6 cups of water because everyone is running a lot and must be thirst!" (She says thirst instead of thirsty) We fill a pitcher and get 6 cups and she carefully takes them outside. A minute later, "Mommy, can you show me where the bunny grahams are because I want to bring everyone a snack, too!" She is such a thoughtful and caring person, it makes her momma proud... AND, Sierra just got everyone ready for a bike ride, got them drinks, AND did an entire load of dishes with out being asked!! Both Brian and I aren't feeling well, so she decided to pick up the slack. AND Luke and Autry made me the cutest get well cards! Sweetness!

1 comment:

Carla Keahey said...

oh my goodness, that is precious! You have great kids, and you and Brian are great parents. :)