In the last couple of months Autry has:
1. Fallen flat on her face in the living room and knocked her two front teeth out of place. At least they are baby teeth, but they are now grey and will remain that way until they fall out, which, if she's anything like the rest of us will probably happen when she is 16.
2. Fallen off the playhouse ladder. Thank God she didn't break anything, but she did manage some pretty good scrapes.
3. Caught her right index finger in a falling hammock, resulting in a rush to the ER, four stitches, and a month of really dramatic and annoying bandage changes. The "dissolvable" stitches she supposedly has are not "dissolving" so the tip of her finger looks likes someone tied it on, even though the wound has healed. Her fingernail is also a lovely shade of black.
4. Fallen flat on her face off of Sierra's bed during prayers and busted her bottom lip wide open.
Also, did you know that it has been proven that red heads have a lower pain tolerance than the general population? Really, there are studies. They require more anesthesia during surgery and react very strongly to pain. If anyone doubts this, please, spend a day with Autry. She WILL hurt herself in some way, and she WILL FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She fell off her trike and refused to straighten her arm for hours. I was really starting to worry until Nikki and I made her reach for a piece of chocolate. As soon as she realized she had to stretch for the candy she was healed!
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