We made our own cards this year, which was really fun... Here is Lukie with his creations, he kept trying to find "boyish" valentines paper. After four and a half years of being perfectly content to let his big sister dress him in tutus, he has suddenly realized that might not fly with his buddies, and is always wanting to do the "boyish" thing.
Luke- "Let's play Voltron, Autry"
Autry - "Let's play princess/baby/fairy/mommy/ballerina"
Luke - "That's DISGUSTING!!"
Autry - "I'll be Angelina Ballerina mommy and you be the daddy."
Luke - "AAAUUUGGHHH! I only like games with battles!"
Autry - "Angelina Ballerina Lukie!! Angelina Ballerina Lukie!! ANGELINA BALLERINA LUKIE!!!"
Luke - Chunks plastic toy at her head.