Monday, March 5, 2012

Mom, I've got a really good plan I've been working on.
Yeah, what's that, Luke?
At school, I act like I can't run very fast. Everyone thinks that I am slow. I almost slipped up when Linus was over the other day, but I don't think he saw me.
Why do you want people to think you are slow?
Because the day of the big race, I am going to break out my speed and beat everyone!

Luke told me that Brian and I are the perfect parents because Brian is firm and I am nice. "You need to be firm so that your kids are respectful, and you need to be nice so that your kids are nice."

I went to Autry's class to give a presentation during Ayyam-i-ha. I took about fifteen minutes to explain the holiday and how we celebrate and Autry passed out little gifts. I felt that it went well. As I was leaving the classroom, one kid grabs me and says, "Sooo, is it Autry's birthday?" Before I could reply another one answered, "No silly, it's Valentine's Day." Oh well...