On Saturday we all got to play film crew and "help" Anlo with a shoot. His latest project is Yakona, a documentary on the San Marcos River. We headed out to Wimberly to test out his homemade jib, which he rigged to get some cool overhead shots of Jacob's Well. The water was freezing. Sierra, Brian and Anlo got in with wetsuits and swam around a little, but the rest of us were mostly spectators.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Yakona at Jacob's Well
On Saturday we all got to play film crew and "help" Anlo with a shoot. His latest project is Yakona, a documentary on the San Marcos River. We headed out to Wimberly to test out his homemade jib, which he rigged to get some cool overhead shots of Jacob's Well. The water was freezing. Sierra, Brian and Anlo got in with wetsuits and swam around a little, but the rest of us were mostly spectators.
Enchanted Rock
Brian and I have developed a nice tradition over the last few years of getting out of town on our birthdays. We usually head to West Texas for his (June 18) and Port Aransas for mine. Unfortunately, this year the red tide - which is a toxic algae bloom that makes you cough, watery eyes, etc. - was terrible in Port A, so we had to scrap those plans. We still wanted to do something for both my birthday and the Birth of Baha'u'llah, which is an important Baha'i holy day on the 12th of November. Another tradition we love is celebrating Baha'i holy days by getting out into nature with the kids. So... I had a nice low key birthday at home, and then on Friday we went to Enchanted Rock. We hadn't been there for a few years, and were very impressed by everyone's independent hiking/rock scrambling skills. It was perfect weather, if a little bit windy, and we had a great day. I think my favorite part was listening to Autry and Luke converse (in strong British accents) as we climbed. It was something like this:
Professor Luke? Yes, Professor Autry? I believe I've found gold! Oh, I believe you have! Let's dig it out, shall we? Of course! We are going to be quite rich aren't we? Oh yes! Professor Dad! Professor Mom! Can you please put this gold in your pocket? Lovely!
They kept us quite entertained with all the professoring as we huffed up the rock...
We stopped at our place in Stonewall for peach ice cream and cobbler on the way. It was 11:11 on 11/11/11 while we were there. Very exciting.
There seemed to be a heart theme on our climb. Heart cactus...
Heart puddle...
There may have been some relaxing at the top...
enchanted rock,
holy days,
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