Monday, May 23, 2011

Wrapping up the school year

In the last few weeks we have wrapped up:

1. Soccer. Brian coaches all three kids' teams at Hancock. He is such a good coach and they all really enjoy it. A lot of their friends from school play on their teams. I am not the best soccer mom, but I'm trying.

2. Autry's dance recital and preschool. Our first real dance recital with the over the top costume, etc. They did Cinderella. It was very cute. Autry and her class were the hours of the clock, Autry was number 5. Luke was her biggest fan, cheering "Number 5 is awesome!" really loudly. She almost didn't make it, she fell and scraped her leg at Granny's birthday party, and screamed at the top of her lungs all the way from Martindale to the Austin city limits. I had to get her dressed while we were sitting in traffic on the highway. She finally managed to calm down with the promise of dinner at Serrano's, and did a great job. Autry is a very graceful dancer, she is going to keep dancing at Dance Discovery. They want her to be on their dance team, whatever that means...

3. Sierra's gymnastics. At the end of the season, they do "Gymkhana" where they show off what they have learned. Sierra enjoys gymnastics and it seems like it is a really good workout. I don't think she'll be competing in the Olympics anytime soon, but she can bust out a really good handstand, like her dad.

4. Piano recital. Sierra did a piece from Carmen and "Eleanor Rigby". Luke did a piece called "Tick Tock" and music from "Star Wars". They both did a wonderful job. The piece from Carmen, I think it is called 'Habenero', was very tricky and Sierra practiced and practiced. I was very proud of her... Their teacher's name is Karla, and they both like her a lot.

5. Sierra's art show and last Ukelele performance. Sierra was chosen to participate in the "Big Artist/Little Artist" program, where she was paired up with a professional artist and worked with her after school once a week for about six weeks. Her big artist was Diane Barney, who taught her how to make art out of crotchet. She made a bunch of super cute owls and an awesome purse, which she gave me for Mother's day! They had an art show to show off everyone's hard work downtown, and the Maplewood Ukelele choir performed. It was great, except that Sierra had a panic attack when we were slow to find parking, Luke dropped his bright blue cupcake on the nice carpet, Autry managed to take an accidental flying leap into some bushes and then later to have a complete meltdown and we had to leave somewhat prematurely...

I feel like I'm missing something, but I think that's it. Now we just need to wrap up swimming lessons, track and field days, award ceremonies, talent show, final class projects...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top 5

After much serious deliberation, Autry's top 5 favorite cars:
1. Punch Buggy
2. Monster Truck
3. Cadillac
4. Police Car
5. Black Rosy (our black Mazda 5)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Birds and the Bees

Driving home from Martindale, Luke asks me how come people can have babies even if they are not married.
Me - Do you remember how babies are made?
L - Yes.
Me - Well, you don't have to be married to do that, although we think it is good to be married before you start a family.
Luke - But some people do that before they get married? They probably just lose control.
Me - No. You always have a choice in life.
Luke - How do they do it again?
Me - The daddy puts his penis in the mommy's vagina and his sperm meets with her egg to make a baby.
Luke - WHAT!? No! Are you serious?!
Me - Yes, remember that's what sex is. We've talked about this before.
Luke - No way. You are kidding.
Me - Nope.

Luke is quiet for a minute. It is important to note that during this entire conversation Sierra is turning beet red, screaming and threatening to jump out of the car.

Luke - Mom?
Me - Yes?
Luke - I can't WAIT to do that!!
Sierra - AAAAHHHHGGGGG!!!!!!!
Me - Well, when you get married, you can do it all you want.

A few more minutes of pondering...

Luke - Mom?
Me - Yes?
Luke - I think a really good place to do that would be the shower. Or maybe the bathtub.


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