Autry: "Let me up on the bed, please."
Me: "One second, just let me finish making it."
Autry: "Just let me up on the bed, ya old lady!"
Luke is going to be an astronaut when he grows up. Sierra is going to be a doctor or a lawyer. Autry is going to be a whale or a dolphin.
Tuna fish = "Tunish"
Autry, fiddling with the keys in the ignition: "I know how to drive."
Me: "Really?"
Autry, with matter of fact shrug: "Yeah, I know how to drive Uncle Star crazy."
Sitting in the bleachers at the soccer game. Autry licks my arm.
Me: "Don't lick me!"
Autry, turning to the dad behind us and rolling her eyes: "She ALWAYS says that."