Luke has gone from having an imaginary friend named Critter to having an entire imaginary universe in which he is the ruler. For some reason, this drives Sierra CRAZY. Everything in his universe mimics Star Wars. In the Star Wars galaxy, for example, there is a planet called Tattoine. In his universe it is the planet Fattoine. And so on. People are only allowed to watch one movie in his universe, guess which one... He pretty much talks about his universe constantly. It is amazingly complicated and full of drama. Luke and Sierra came running to me this morning, super excited because they thought they heard on the radio that there were Storm Troopers in Ohio. Luke said, "I've done it! It's my universe!" He was also very excited today because he thinks Obama said "the force" during his inauguration speech. He, like many of our fellow Americans, is convinced that Obama is a secret Jedi knight. He was trying to get Autry to play, "I'll be Barack Obama and you be his helper." She told him she would only play if she got to be his Mama. Luke also got in his first fist fight this weekend, which was very sad for us. It is so hard to be a boy. It had been a long time coming, and he came out on top (literally). I'm still not sure what exactly started it, but it was definitely instigated by the other kid. Luke managed, in his own words, to "take his power away." Sigh.

Sierra has started gymnastics, she loves it, especially the uneven bars. She is still taking piano lessons, except now her teacher comes to our home, which is great for me. She was recently tested for gifted and talented at school, and passed all four sections of the test, some with 100%. Her guidance counselor was amazed, apparently you only need to pass one section to be considered GT. She is loving school this year, she has another great teacher, Mrs. Martin. She still plays with her best friend, Mia, and also spends a lot of time during the weekend with Cooper playing some sort of rock band video game and building things in the backyard. She is also super into Star Wars, and can tell you anything you ever wanted to know about characters, planets, plots. She also spends a lot of time honing her lawyering skills by arguing with her mother. I'm already getting a lot of, "You are ruining my life!" and that sort of thing.

Autry is busy being hilarious. She is seriously amazingly funny and sweet. She is quirky and smart and very, very loving. She will be three in a few weeks and I find myself wishing almost every day that she would stay this age for just a little bit longer. She loves to dress up, play fairies and princess and Jedi, take three baths a day, snuggle Bogie, is an amazing climber, and gets a delight out of being naughty only rivaled by her father.